achtergrond patroon

Implementing the DPP in 5 steps

How do you get started with the Digital Product Passport (DPP)? And how do you make sure what you do today contributes to DPPs that you can keep using in good harmony with your other information systems and supply chain partners? With the expert group ‘Digital Product Passport’, we found out and created a five step plan that helps you get started. We will present this 5 step plan in our next lunchwebinar, which will take place on October 17th at 12 (CEST).

A joint effort

The expert group is a joint effort of 30+ companies that want to realise sustainable change. From march to october, we met regularly to discuss the organisational, practical and strategic aspects associated with a scalable DPP. We put our findings to the test in numerous use cases, in which we found out what steps make sense to take for a seamless implementation of DPPs.

Hosts & chairpersons

The group of experts consists of marketing, data, executive and compliance representatives of a wide range of retail companies. The organisation and funding of the project was done by PwC, SRC System Integrators, GS1 and Cirmar.

DPP in practice: the laptop

Our use cases range from textiles to electronics, which allowed us to find out how existing technologies can support a system that spans across product groups. Scan the QR code on the left to discover one of the DPPs we created along the way.

Register now

Make sure you register for the webinar to receive an invite for your calendar. You can do so via this link.

Note: this webinar is in Dutch. We will organise an English webinar concerning the same topic as well, the date at which this will take place is yet to be announced. Keep a close eye on our website and LinkedIn page to make sure you don’t miss it.

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