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Webinar Recap: Tech4CE

We joined Tech4CE, an academic initiative to connect Information Systems researchers that work on digital technologies in service of the Circular Economy. They invited us to speak about Circular Economy practices and more specifically – how Digital Product Passports can accelerate the transition to a Circular Economy. Read about our main talking points, or scroll down to watch a full recording of the webinar including discussion.

Important takeaways

  • We’re in a twin transition: towards more circular and more digital. The two strengthen each other, but we do need bright minds to help us develop innovative solutions.
  • Materials are the most important element to focus on if we want to make progress. Without them the world comes to a standstill, and they represent a large portion of emissions that cause global warming.
  • We don’t all start from scratch: companies that are doing good things to become more sustainable should be able to compare, communicate and profit from being a frontrunner. DPPs can help them make sustainable progress more tangible.
  • There are no obstacles that prevent us from getting started. To make even more positive impact, academia should focus on making sure the DPP is practical, scalable, affordable and interoperable.

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